As blog owners, we know that longer blog posts tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), how long should a blog post be?
However, not all blog post lengths are created equal. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the ideal blog post length for SEO years to come and lead generation, and how each length can benefit you.
So read on to find out more about the ideal blog post length for your blog to rank in SERP!
As we head into SEO 2023, its important to keep in mind the ideal blog post length for ranking. While shorter posts are likely to be found first, longer posts are more likely to be found in search engine results pages (SERP).

To optimize your blog post length for ranking, make sure to keep all images properly optimized for SEO, and avoid using too many keywords throughout the post.
Additionally, keep your layout simple and make sure your post is between 750 and 3000 words long.
Remember, the length of your post is not the only factor that will affect its ranking.
Make sure all of your content is of high quality, keyword rich, and engaging to maximise your blogs chances of ranking well in search engine results pages.
What Is the Ideal Length for a Blog Post?
The ideal length for a blog post is around 1200 words. This will allow you to introduce the topic, provide information, and wrap up with a conclusion.
There is a difference between long-form content and links. Just because a post is long, it doesn’t mean that it is the best. It is important that you have the right strategy.
Long-form content is different from links and you can’t get them both in one place. For example, people who are starting on blogs are going to look for links and articles that are very interesting.

Therefore you should have both links and long-form content.
If you are looking to publish a blog post, then the ideal length of a blog post should be at least 1,000 words.
However, if you are writing a long-form content, such as an article or a story, then it should be at least 1,500-2,500 words.
When it comes to blogging as a lead generation tool, 2,500 words is the ideal length. This indicates that shorter posts are possible (although they may still be effective) while longer content is more likely to produce results.
This finding was gleaned by HubSpot, which analyzed data from over 1 million blog posts across various industries and topics.
The takeaway? A post that’s 2,500 words or longer is most likely to result in leads being generated – and this length can vary depending on the topic of the post!
When it comes to blog post lengths, data from HubSpot suggests that 2,500 words is the sweet spot for generating leads.

This means that longer posts are possible and that optimizing your content for SEO is one way you can make sure your post length is effective.
Additionally, articles looking to generate leads tend to be a bit longer than those with other purposes.
Blog posts don’t have to be short and sweet. In fact, long-form blog posts can be very beneficial for your blog’s marketing strategy.
They generate more leads and conversions because they’re informative and interesting to read.
Furthermore, they’re beneficial for SEO and social media engagement. Make sure your long-form blog posts are well written, so that readers will want to continue reading.
Writing quality long-form blog posts is one of the best ways to increase time spent on your blog, as well as drive more traffic and leads your way.
They are easy to read and provide valuable information in an easily digestible format – ideal for search engine optimization (SEO).
Additionally, long-form blog posts are more engaging and keep readers longer, leading to a higher click-through rate. This means that youll be able to engage your audience on a personal level and truly connect with them.
Writing from your heart will make a difference – youll be able to capture reader emotion and create content that is truly valuable. So why not give long-form blogging a try today?
Blog posts that are long-form tend to be more interesting to read and share, which results in increased shares on social media.

This in turn leads to better engagement rates on your social media channels, as well as more substantive content that readers can appreciate.
Furthermore, long-form blog posts tend to be more thought-provoking, which results in higher trust levels among readers.
This translates into higher ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), making your blog content easier for potential customers to locate.
Blog posts that are long-form tend to rank better in search engine results. This is because they provide valuable high-quality content that helps your visitors stay longer on your website. In addition, long-form blog posts are seen as more authoritative and tend to be clicked more often, resulting in an increase in traffic and leads.

While it is important to provide valuable content, make sure that yours is of the high quality variety so that your visitors will stick around longer and ultimately convert into customers.
Google, the world’s largest search engine is known for its search algorithms. Google uses an algorithm called PageRank to rank websites based on their relevance and authority in a particular field. The length of your blog post plays a vital role in ranking and being ranked by google, so it’s important that you keep track of the number of words your posts have per page, also know as word count
What does Google want?
Google wants a blog post to be between 1000 and 2000 words. It is important that you do not forget the importance of writing a good headline, which will also help in getting traffic from google.
Use ‘People Also Ask’ in Google as inspiration
The average time for a google search is about 5 seconds. It has been found that google searches are getting shorter and shorter, by as much as 40% in the last few years.

Google is also known to go back to old results when it sees them in the search results list or on other websites, so you need to make sure your post stays fresh and relevant.
Writing blog posts can be a daunting task, but with a little practice, youll be writing in style in no time. Stick to a consistent style so that readers know what to expect from your blog posts. Use strong visuals to help readers understand your message better.
When writing a long-form blog post, its important to be clear and concise.
Start by outlining your main points in easy-to-understand language, and then flesh them out in more detail.
Be sure to sprinkle in some images and videos to help illustrate your points. Finally, make sure to end your post with a call-to-action that will encourage your readers to take action.
It’s Not All About the Word Count
When it comes to submitting your work for publication, many people believe that the word count is the only important factor. This is not the case. In fact, there are several other factors that should be considered before submitting your article or blog post.

Make sure your piece is well-polished – this will help increase chances of being accepted by a publisher. Some of these factors include quality of writing, research you’ve conducted, and originality of ideas presented. So, don’t be afraid to put in the extra effort and submit your best work!
When it comes to blog post length, its important to tailor it to the content. For business-related blog posts, aim for around 1000 words. This will give you enough room to cover key points, explain how your product or service works, and highlight the benefits of using your product or service.

For blog posts about cooking recipes, aim for around 1500 – 2000 words.
This will give you enough room to cover all the important details, such as how to make the dish, what ingredients are required, and how long it will take to make. Whenever possible, try to keep your sentences shorter and easier to read.
Finally, for blog posts about fashion tips and home decorating ideas, aim for around 600 – 800 words. This will give you just enough room to cover the main points, without going into too many details.
How long should pillar pages be?
How long blog posts should be, as each post type has its own ideal length. However, in-depth blog posts that explore a specific topic in greater detail (up to 5,000 words) are a great way to provide valuable insights for your readers.
Longer articles (>10,000 words) offer more space to delve into the finer details of a given topic and can be helpful if you want to provide more detailed instructions or tutorials.
Mid-length articles (2,500 to 7,500 words) are perfect for providing essential information and breaking down complex topics into easily digestible chunks.
Short blog posts (<1,500 words) are great for introducing new content or for highlighting a recent trend.
How long should listicles be?
When it comes to blog post length, it all depends on the type of post you are writing. For articles, aim for around 1,000 words in length. This will give your readers a comprehensive overview of the topic at hand.
When writing a listicle, keep it around 3-4 paragraphs long. This will give your readers enough time to read through the article without feeling overwhelmed.
For photos and videos, aim for around 2 minutes max per item. This will give your viewers enough time to see how the article is put together without feeling rushed or bored.
When it comes to blog post length, there are two main types of posts – “How to” blog posts and “What is” blog posts. “How to” blog posts should be around 750 words long and are designed as instructional guides. They explain how to do something in detail, and are ideal for people who want to learn a new skill or improve on an existing one.
Blog post length is a big consideration when writing for your blog. While you want to aim for posts that are interesting and engaging, you also need to remember that they must be long enough to teach your readers new skills or tips.
“How-to” blog posts are perfect for promoting your products or services as they are both informative and easy to read. You can also use them to teach your readers about new trends or technologies in the industry.
Make sure to keyword search for relevant words throughout the post, as this will help you attract more customers through organic search engine ranking.
“What is” blog posts are informational in nature and should be around 500 words long. They provide readers with a snapshot of a topic, rather than providing step-by-step instructions.
Everything else falls into the category of Tips & Tricks and should be between 500-750 words in length. When writing Tips & Tricks blog posts, make sure that you keep your readers engaged by providing valuable content that they can use immediately.
And finally, dont be afraid to experiment – sometimes shorter blog post lengths work better for certain types of content.
Minimum Blog Post Length
As a blogger, its important to know the ideal blog post length for different types of posts. Product reviews should be around 500 words long and follow a specific format.

Article lengths can range from 2,000 words to 5,000 words, but are ideal for providing in-depth information on a particular topic.
How-to posts usually fall within the 750 to 1,000 word range and typically follow a specific structure. Photo/video post lengths are usually about 2 minutes each and make great use of multimedia to showcase your product or service in an interesting way.
Getting Started With Your Blog Posts
Understanding the different types of blog posts can help you set your blog post lengths accordingly. A good rule of thumb is to aim for around 500-700 words for most blog posts. Use active and engaging language when writing your blog posts so that readers will want to keep reading.
Try not to overload your readers with too many ideas or details at once – allow them time to digest what you have written before moving onto the next section. Finally, make sure that all of your blog post’s content is relevant to your blog’s theme and audience. This way, you will be able to attract more readers and improve your blog’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
A typical blog post can range from 1500 to 2000 words, but the average length is around 1800 words. This means that it’s important to keep your content punchy and engaging so that readers will want to read through it all. When writing for a website, try incorporating multimedia (images, videos) into your posts in order not only to visually intrigue readers, but also provide valuable information in an easy-to-read format.
Be sure also to use clear and concise language when writing so that no reader feels lost or confused. And lastly, remember that brevity is key! A little bit of extra detail can go a long way in helping you convey your message succinctly and effectively.
While length is not always a determining factor when it comes to judging the quality of a blog post, 1000 words should be sufficient for most situations. This is based on the fact that most people are reading blogs for entertainment purposes and would rather read shorter posts than longer ones. Additionally, if you’re looking to rank your website in search engines, 900-1,200 words usually suffice.
When writing your blog post, make sure to keep it easy to read by following a well-structured format and using clear and concise language. Be sure also to include images or videos where possible so that readers can visualise what you’re talking about.
When you want to write a blog article quickly, it is important to have a clear plan and focus. Begin by outlining the main points that you would like to cover in your article, and then develop those points into concise bullets or paragraphs. Next, research the topic if necessary using online sources such as Google search or webMD. Once you are confident in your information, begin writing by creating a outline of your thoughts and constructing those thoughts logically. Use active verbs and factual statements to capture the reader’s attention while still providing valuable content.
Remember: brevity is key when it comes to blogging! By following these simple guidelines, you can write an engaging piece that will compel readers to read further.

The best practice for a blog post is to have your best interest and Google’s best interests in mind.
There are 3 expert tips that will help you write the perfect blog as it pertains to length:
1) use relevant keywords – keyword density, topic relevance, and topicality can increase your search engine rankings.
2) make sure you follow SEO best practices.
3) there should be an imperative of body content prose so write long enough but not too long!
It’s time to rethink the ideal blog post length! According to search engine optimization (SEO) experts, blog posts that are between 500-2,000 words are ideal for ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Additionally, long-form blog posts that are between 3,000-5,000 words can help generate leads for your business.
So, don’t be afraid to experiment with longer blog posts and see how they perform in the search engine results!