Common Subhead Blunders to Avoid in Your Blog Posts” [In 2024]​


In the world of blogging, creating high-quality content is essential for engaging readers and keeping them on your website. However, even if your content is top-notch, it may still struggle to hold readers’ attention. One powerful tool that bloggers often overlook is the effective use of subheadings. These brief headings can make a significant difference in reader engagement and can help you keep your audience hooked throughout your blog post.

The Importance of Subheadings in Blog Posts

Many bloggers underestimate the power of subheadings and simply use them as labels to identify different sections in their posts. However, plain label subheads can be boring and fail to grab readers’ attention. Subheadings should be used strategically to pique readers’ interest, create a sense of curiosity, and encourage them to keep reading.

Here are three common subhead blunders that bloggers should avoid:

  1. Using Plain Label Subheads: Using subheadings that simply describe the content below them can make readers yawn and quickly lose interest. Instead, aim to create subheadings that hook, entertain, and shock readers.
  2. Including Spoiler Subheads: Spoiler subheads give away the main point of the section, allowing readers to skip the paragraphs that follow. To keep readers engaged, tease them with subheads that make them curious about what’s coming next.
  3. Writing Cryptic Subheads: Subheads that are too cryptic and confusing can turn off readers and lead to them bouncing from your blog post. Subheads should be clear and understandable, enticing readers to keep reading and learn more.

To illustrate how to write effective subheads, let’s look at three examples from experienced bloggers who excel at using this technique:

  1. Jon Morrow from Smart Blogger grabs readers’ attention by using subheads that make them wonder and want to learn more. His subheads are powerful hooks that compel readers to continue reading.
  2. Tommy from The Write Practice uses subheads that evoke emotions and create intrigue. They make readers feel something and entice them to learn more about the topic.
  3. Danny Iny from Firepole Marketing uses subheads that are relatable. They address common questions or concerns that readers may have, making them want to continue reading to find the answers.

By incorporating these four key ingredients into your subheads – curiosity, emotion, relatability, and clarity – you can create compelling subheadings that grab readers’ attention and keep them engaged throughout your blog post.

Take a moment to evaluate the subheads in your recent blog posts. Are they plain labels, spoilers, or too cryptic? Consider how you can improve them by injecting curiosity, emotion, relatability, and clarity. Remember, subheadings are not just labels; they are powerful tools that can make a significant impact on reader engagement and keep your audience hooked. 


Subhead Blunder #1: Vague and Ineffective Subheadings

One of the common mistakes that bloggers make with subheadings is using vague and ineffective ones. Subheadings are meant to capture the reader’s attention and give them a glimpse of what’s to come in the content below. If your subheadings are boring or fail to pique the reader’s interest, they may just skim past them and move on to the next article.

To avoid this blunder, it’s important to create subheadings that are clear, engaging, and relevant to the content that follows. Here are a few examples of vague subheadings that you should avoid:

Examples of Vague Subheadings

  1. “Introduction” – This subheading doesn’t provide any valuable information or give the reader a reason to continue reading. Instead, try using something like “Discover the Benefits of Gaming Laptops” to grab their attention.
  2. “Conclusion” – Similarly, this subheading tells the reader nothing about what they can expect in the conclusion. Instead, try using a more compelling subheading like “Uncover the Top Gaming Laptop Picks for 2023” to keep them engaged.
  3. “Features” – This subheading is too generic and doesn’t highlight any specific features that the reader might find interesting. Instead, try using subheadings like “Powerful Processors for Seamless Gaming” or “High-Resolution Displays for Immersive Gameplay” to make it more enticing.

Remember, the goal of your subheadings is to entice the reader to continue reading and explore the content further. By avoiding vague and ineffective subheadings, you can increase the chances of keeping your readers engaged and interested in your blog posts.

Subhead Blunder #2: Lack of Consistency

When it comes to writing engaging and reader-friendly blog posts, consistency is key. This also applies to the structure and formatting of your subheadings. Not maintaining consistency in your subheadings can lead to confusion and make it harder for readers to follow your content.

The Importance of Consistent Subheading Structure

Consistency in subheading structure helps to create a cohesive flow in your blog post. It allows readers to easily navigate through the sections and understand the organization of your content. When subheadings are consistent, readers can quickly scan the article and find the specific information they are looking for.

Additionally, consistent subheading structure also plays a role in improving the readability of your blog post. It creates a sense of familiarity for readers and helps them feel more comfortable while reading. When your subheadings follow a consistent pattern, readers are less likely to get confused or lose interest in the content.

How to Maintain Consistency in Subheadings

To ensure that your subheadings are consistent throughout your blog post, you can follow these tips:

  1. Establish a structure: Decide on a consistent structure for your subheadings, such as using a specific heading level or formatting style.
  2. Use parallelism: Keep the length and style of your subheadings consistent. They should have a similar tone and follow a parallel structure.
  3. Stick to a word count: Aim for a particular word count or range for your subheadings. This helps to maintain a balanced and visually pleasing layout.
  4. Stay true to the main heading: Every subheading should relate directly to the main heading and the overall topic of the blog post. Avoid straying too far off topic.
  5. Readability and flow: Ensure that your subheadings flow smoothly from one to another. Use transitional words or phrases to connect different sections.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain consistency in your subheading structure and enhance the overall readability of your blog post.

In conclusion, maintaining consistency in your subheadings is crucial for creating a well-organized and reader-friendly blog post. It helps readers navigate through the content more easily and improves the overall flow and readability of the article. Take the time to craft consistent and engaging subheadings to keep your readers engaged and interested in your content. 

Subhead Blunder #3: Being Overly Creative at the Expense of Clarity

When it comes to writing subheadings for your blog posts, it’s important to strike a balance between creativity and clarity. While creativity can make your subheadings stand out and engage readers, being overly creative at the expense of clarity can confuse and alienate your audience.

The Pitfalls of Overly Creative Subheadings

Using overly creative subheadings that are too abstract or vague can make it difficult for readers to understand the main point of the section. This can lead to frustration and loss of interest, causing readers to bounce from your blog post. Moreover, if your subheadings don’t clearly convey what the section is about, it can negatively impact the overall flow and coherence of your content.

Strategies for Balancing Creativity and Clarity in Subheadings

To create effective subheadings that are both creative and clear, consider the following strategies:

  1. Be specific: Clearly communicate the main idea or focus of the section in the subheading. Use descriptive language that provides a glimpse into the content that follows.
  2. Use keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your subheadings to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and help readers quickly identify the topics covered in each section.
  3. Be concise: Keep your subheadings concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy phrases or sentences that may overwhelm readers or dilute the impact of the subheading.
  4. Provide context: Ensure that your subheadings provide enough context to guide readers through the content. Avoid obscure or cryptic subheadings that leave readers guessing.
  5. Test readability: Read your subheadings out loud to see if they make sense and effectively convey the main idea. If they sound confusing or convoluted, consider revising them for clarity.

Remember, while it’s important to inject creativity into your subheadings to capture readers’ attention, clarity should always be the priority. Striking the right balance will help readers navigate your blog posts easily and keep them engaged from start to finish.

By avoiding the pitfalls of overly creative subheadings and implementing these strategies, you can create subheadings that not only grab readers’ attention but also guide them through your content effectively. 

Subhead Blunder #4: Drifting Away from the Main Topic

It’s crucial to stay focused on the main topic of your blog post. However, one common blunder in subheadings is drifting away from the main topic. When subheadings veer off track, it can confuse readers and diminish the overall effectiveness of your content.

The Risks of Off-Topic Subheadings

Off-topic subheadings can lead to several negative consequences. Firstly, it can make the content hard to follow, resulting in disengaged readers who may not continue reading. Secondly, it can undermine the credibility and authority of your content. If readers come across subheadings that don’t relate to the main topic, they may question the expertise and reliability of the information presented.

Techniques to Ensure Subheadings Stay Relevant to the Main Topic

To avoid this blunder, here are some techniques to ensure your subheadings stay relevant to the main topic:

  1. Clearly define the main topic: Before creating subheadings, make sure you have a clear understanding of the main topic and the key points you want to cover. This will help you maintain focus throughout the writing process.
  2. Plan and outline your content: Create an outline that identifies the main points you want to address in your blog post. This will serve as a roadmap to keep your subheadings aligned with the main topic.
  3. Review and revise: After drafting your content, review each subheading to ensure it directly relates to the main topic. Ask yourself if the subheading accurately reflects the content that follows and if it adds value to the reader’s understanding.
  4. Use descriptive language: Make sure your subheadings provide a clear preview of what the following section will cover. Use descriptive language that accurately represents the content and helps guide the reader through the post.

By avoiding off-topic subheadings, you can maintain the flow, clarity, and relevance of your blog posts. This will enhance the overall reading experience and increase the chances of readers engaging with your content. 

When it comes to writing subheadings for your blog posts, one common blunder to avoid is not adequately linking them back to the main heading. This blunder can disrupt the flow and consistency of your content, making it confusing for readers to follow along.

The purpose of subheadings is to provide further insight and support for the main heading. They should delve deeper into the content while remaining connected to the main heading. By linking subheadings back to the main heading, you ensure that your content stays focused and coherent.

Having subheadings that are unrelated or drift away from the main heading can create a disjointed reading experience. It can leave readers feeling lost and unsure of what to expect from the rest of the content. To avoid this, make sure each subheading directly relates to the main heading and contributes to the overall flow of the article.

By maintaining a clear connection between the main heading and subheadings, you provide readers with a roadmap to follow within your content. This improves the readability and comprehension of your blog posts, making them more engaging and valuable to your audience.

In conclusion, it is important to avoid the blunder of inadequate linking between subheadings and the main heading in your blog posts. By ensuring that each subheading connects back to the main heading, you create a seamless reading experience that keeps readers engaged and informed. 

Subhead Blunder #6: Neglecting the Use of Data and Examples

When it comes to writing effective blog posts, using subheadings is crucial for organizing your content and improving readability. However, one common blunder that many bloggers make is neglecting the use of data and examples in their subheadings.

The Power of Supporting Subheadings with Data and Examples

Including data and examples in your subheadings can greatly enhance the credibility and impact of your blog post. By providing specific numbers, statistics, or real-life examples, you can add depth and substance to your subheadings, making them more engaging and informative for your readers.

Data-driven subheadings can help to strengthen your arguments and provide evidence for the points you’re making in your post. They can also make your content more persuasive and convincing, as readers are more likely to trust and value information that is backed up by solid data.

Similarly, incorporating examples in your subheadings can make your content more relatable and memorable. By sharing real-life scenarios or case studies, you provide readers with tangible illustrations of the concepts you’re discussing, making it easier for them to understand and connect with your message.

Methods for Incorporating Data and Examples in Subheadings

There are several ways you can effectively incorporate data and examples into your subheadings:

  1. Use specific numbers or statistics: Instead of using generic subheadings, try to include precise data that supports your main points. For example, instead of using a subheading like “Benefits of Exercise,” you could use “5 Surprising Health Benefits of Regular Exercise.”
  2. Share real-life examples: Include subheadings that highlight real-life stories or examples that demonstrate the points you’re making. For instance, instead of a subheading like “Tips for Time Management,” you could use “How Jane Increased Productivity by 50% with These Time Management Techniques.”
  3. Reference relevant studies or research: If you’re discussing a topic that has been extensively studied or researched, include subheadings that reference specific studies or research findings. This adds credibility to your content and shows that your arguments are supported by reputable sources.

By incorporating data and examples in your subheadings, you not only make your blog posts more engaging and informative but also build trust with your readers. Remember to use formatting techniques like bold text to make your subheadings stand out and draw attention to the important information they contain.

In conclusion, neglecting the use of data and examples in your subheadings can be a missed opportunity to make your blog posts more impactful and persuasive. By incorporating relevant data and examples, you can enhance the credibility of your content and provide valuable insights for your readers. So make sure to leverage the power of data and examples in your subheadings to create compelling and informative blog posts.


In conclusion, avoiding common subhead blunders is crucial for maintaining the readability and effectiveness of your blog posts. By understanding the mistakes to avoid and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can ensure that your content resonates with your audience, provides valuable information, and drives engagement.

The Impact of Avoiding Subhead Blunders on Blog Readability

The impact of avoiding subhead blunders cannot be overstated. Clear and well-crafted subheadings not only break up the content and make it easier to read, but also improve the overall structure and flow of the blog post. Readers can quickly scan the subheadings to get an idea of what the post is about and find the information they’re looking for.

When subheadings are used effectively, they also contribute to the SEO performance of the blog post. By incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into the subheadings, you can improve your post’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Moreover, by using descriptive examples, including data and research to support your claims, and giving credit to the original sources, you enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your blog. Readers are more likely to engage with content that offers concrete information, actionable steps, and valuable insights.

So, take the time to carefully structure your blog posts with clear and informative subheadings. Use them to guide your readers through the content, highlight key points, and make your posts more scannable. By avoiding common subhead blunders, you’ll elevate the quality of your blog and create a better experience for your audience. 

Common Subhead Blunders to Avoid in Your Blog Posts

When it comes to writing blog posts, subheadings are a crucial element for enhancing readability and improving the overall flow of your content. However, there are some common mistakes that writers often make with subheadings. Let’s take a look at these blunders and how to avoid them to ensure your subheadings are effective and engaging.

1. Not Providing Clear Descriptions: One of the most common mistakes is not thinking enough about how to describe the paragraph in the subheading. It is essential to provide a clear and concise description that tells the reader what they can gain from reading that particular section.

2. Sacrificing Clarity for Creativity: While being creative with your subheadings is great, it should not come at the expense of clarity. Avoid using subheadings that might confuse or mislead the reader. Focus on delivering solutions in a clear and understandable manner.

3. Inconsistency in Structure: It is important to maintain consistency in the structure of your subheadings. If your subheadings have different grammatical structures and lengths, they become hard for the readers to process. Make sure to follow a pattern and create a rhythm in your subheadings.

4. Drifting Away from the Topic: Each subheading should link back to the main heading and stay on track with the topic of the article. Avoid including subheadings that drift away from the main subject. This helps to maintain coherence and readability in your blog post.

To summarize, subheadings play a vital role in enhancing the readability and structure of your blog posts. Avoid these common subhead blunders by providing clear descriptions, maintaining clarity over creativity, ensuring consistency in structure, and staying focused on the main topic. By following these guidelines, you can create engaging and effective subheadings that keep your readers hooked and make your content more readable.

Andrew Lim
Andrew Lim

Javier is a graduate of the University of Dublin. He has been in the digital marketing space for over decade and has worked with E-commerce & digital space. He is currently in charge of blog editor at and is passionate about creating software review that create value for user.

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