sitechecker Pro review: Analysis Your SEO & Should You use [In 2024]​

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial for businesses to have a strong online presence. One essential aspect of this is ensuring that your website is optimized for search engines. This is where Sitechecker Pro comes in.

Sitechecker Pro is a comprehensive website SEO audit tool that can help you to easily and effectively monitor and improve your website’s SEO performance.

My Experience Using sitechecker

Andrew Lim

As a user of Sitechecker, I must say that this software has been a game-changer for my SEO and website optimization efforts. From the moment I started using it, I was impressed by its user-friendly dashboard and the wealth of information it provided about my website.

One of the standout features of Sitechecker is its comprehensive website audit. This tool delves deep into the performance and health of my website, providing me with a detailed report on any issues that need to be addressed. Whether it’s broken links, missing meta tags, or slow page load times, Sitechecker identifies these issues and offers clear instructions on how to fix them. This has been invaluable in improving the overall quality and user experience of my website.

Another aspect that sets Sitechecker apart is its ability to track keyword rankings. With the Rank Tracker tool, I can easily monitor the performance of my chosen keywords and see how they are ranking in search engine results. This allows me to make data-driven decisions and adjust my SEO strategy accordingly. Additionally, the integration with Google Analytics and Google Search Console allows me to access all the relevant data in one place, eliminating the need to switch between different accounts.

What I appreciate most about Sitechecker is its versatility. It caters to both SEO beginners and experts alike, providing guided technical implementation for those who are new to SEO, while also offering advanced features for experienced users. The ease of use combined with the depth of features makes Sitechecker a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their website’s search visibility.

In terms of benefits, Sitechecker has saved me a significant amount of time. Instead of manually checking each page of my website for errors or tracking keyword rankings separately, I can rely on Sitechecker to do all the heavy lifting. This frees up more time for me to focus on strategic tasks and optimizing my website for better search performance.

Overall, I highly recommend Sitechecker to anyone involved in SEO or website management. Its comprehensive website audit, keyword tracking capabilities, and user-friendly interface make it an essential tool for improving search visibility and optimizing website performance. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, Sitechecker has something to offer and will undoubtedly enhance your SEO efforts.


  • Comprehensive website analysis and SEO evaluation

  • User-friendly dashboard with detailed information

  • Suitable for both beginners and experts

  • Provides guided technical implementation

  • Affordable pricing compared to other options


  • Lacks a keyword research tool

  • Some fluctuations in site audit scores can be disconcerting

  • False positives in external link errors due to server configurations

  • Occasional clumsy English on the site

  • Could benefit from addressing issues with major CDNs blocking IP addresses

Try For Free

Overview of Sitechecker Pro

Sitechecker Pro offers a wide range of features that can assist you in optimizing your website. Some of the key features include:

  • SEO Analysis: Sitechecker Pro provides a detailed analysis of your website’s SEO performance, including on-page SEO factors, backlink analysis, and keyword optimization.
  • Website Monitoring: With Sitechecker Pro, you can continuously monitor your website’s performance and receive real-time alerts for any issues that may arise.
  • Competitor Analysis: Sitechecker Pro allows you to analyze the SEO performance of your competitors, helping you to identify areas for improvement and stay ahead in the digital landscape.
  • Reports and Insights: Sitechecker Pro provides comprehensive reports and insights that can help you track the progress of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, Sitechecker Pro is a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their website’s SEO performance. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it is a great asset for any digital marketing strategy. 

Features of Sitechecker Pro

If you are looking for an all-in-one SEO tool, Sitechecker Pro has got you covered. With its comprehensive features, you can effectively monitor and optimize your website’s performance. Let’s take a closer look at what Sitechecker Pro has to offer.

Detailed site audits and analysis

Sitechecker Pro provides detailed website audits that analyze various aspects of your site, including content optimization, search optimization, external and internal links, and mobile preview. With these in-depth insights, you can identify and address any technical mistakes or errors that may be affecting your site’s performance.

Backlink tracking and analysis

Backlinks are a crucial factor in improving your website’s authority and ranking. Sitechecker Pro offers backlink tracking and analysis, allowing you to monitor the quality and quantity of your backlinks. This information helps you identify opportunities for link building and enhance your overall SEO strategy.

Keyword tracking and ranking

Knowing how your keywords are performing is vital for optimizing your website’s visibility. Sitechecker Pro enables you to track your keyword rankings and monitor any changes in their positions. With this information, you can refine your keyword strategy and ensure that your website is targeting the right keywords.

Site monitoring and notifications

Sitechecker Pro also provides site monitoring and notifications. You can set up alerts to receive instant updates about any changes or issues with your website. This feature ensures that you are aware of any potential problems and can take immediate action to resolve them.

With its comprehensive set of features, Sitechecker Pro is a valuable tool for any business or website owner looking to improve their SEO performance. From detailed site audits to backlink tracking and keyword monitoring, Sitechecker Pro has the tools you need to optimize your website and boost your online presence. 

Usability of Sitechecker Pro

User-friendly interface

One of the standout features of Sitechecker Pro is its user-friendly interface. Navigating through the platform is a breeze, even for beginners. The neatly organized dashboard allows users to access various features and functionalities effortlessly. Whether you’re conducting a site audit or monitoring your SEO performance, Sitechecker Pro makes it easy to find what you need.

Browser integration and convenience

Sitechecker Pro takes convenience to the next level with its browser integration. Instead of having to constantly go back to the main dashboard, users can access SEO data right in their browser. This eliminates the need for multiple tabs and provides real-time insights at a glance. Whether you’re checking on your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, or keyword density, Sitechecker Pro displays the information directly in your browser for easy access.

Chrome extension and its functionality

To further enhance the user experience, Sitechecker Pro offers a Chrome extension. This extension allows users to quickly analyze any webpage they visit without leaving their browser. From checking on-page SEO elements to analyzing backlinks, the Chrome extension provides a seamless way to gather valuable data and make informed decisions on the go.

Overall, the usability of Sitechecker Pro is top-notch. Its user-friendly interface, browser integration, and Chrome extension make it a convenient and efficient tool for monitoring and improving your website’s SEO performance. 

Strengths of Sitechecker Pro

If you’re an SEO enthusiast or a digital marketer, you may have come across Sitechecker Pro as an all-in-one SEO tool. Let’s take a closer look at some of its strengths that make it stand out in the market.

Accurate and detailed site audits

One of the key features of Sitechecker Pro is its ability to provide comprehensive site audits. It thoroughly analyzes your website, providing in-depth insights into its overall status. From content optimization to search optimization, external and internal links, and even mobile preview, Sitechecker Pro covers all aspects of your website’s SEO. The detailed audit report not only identifies errors but also ranks them by priority, making it easier for you to focus on the most critical issues.

Helpful suggestions for SEO improvement

Sitechecker Pro goes beyond just identifying errors. It also provides suggestions to help you address specific issues and improve your website’s SEO. This troubleshooting section offers valuable recommendations to weed out errors, making it a helpful tool for SEO optimization.

Affordable pricing options

The affordability of Sitechecker Pro is another strength worth mentioning. With its basic plan starting at just $39 a month, it offers a cost-effective solution for individuals and small businesses looking to improve their SEO performance. The pricing options make Sitechecker Pro accessible to a wide range of users, making it a popular choice in the market.

In conclusion, Sitechecker Pro offers accurate site audits, helpful SEO improvement suggestions, and affordable pricing options. These strengths make it a valuable tool for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their website’s performance and boost their SEO efforts. 

Limitations of Sitechecker Pro

Sitechecker Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a wide range of features to help improve your website’s performance. However, like any tool, it has its limitations. Here are two key limitations to consider:

Lack of advanced backlink analysis features

One of the main drawbacks of Sitechecker Pro is its limited backlink analysis capabilities. Compared to other SEO tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush, Sitechecker Pro falls behind in terms of providing detailed insights into backlinks. It lacks advanced features such as domain trust level or authority metrics, which are crucial for determining the quality of backlinks. If backlink analysis is a priority for your SEO strategy, you may find Sitechecker Pro’s offerings to be insufficient.

No automation for updating backlinks data

Another disadvantage of Sitechecker Pro is the lack of automation when it comes to updating backlinks data. Unlike some other SEO tools that automatically update backlinks information, Sitechecker Pro requires manual uploading of backlinks data. This can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially if you have a large number of backlinks to track. The absence of automated updates means you constantly have to stay on top of adding new backlinks to the tracker, otherwise, you risk missing important data that can impact your off-page SEO efforts.

Overall, while Sitechecker Pro offers many useful features for website optimization, it’s important to consider these limitations in your decision-making process. Depending on your specific SEO needs, you may find that other tools provide more comprehensive backlink analysis and automation capabilities.

Sitechecker Pro vs. Competitors

Comparison with other SEO tools (e.g., Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz)

When it comes to SEO tools, there are several options available in the market. Sitechecker Pro is one such tool that promises to provide comprehensive SEO analysis and optimization features. But how does it compare to its competitors? Let’s take a look at how Sitechecker Pro stacks up against popular SEO tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz.

  • Site Audits: Sitechecker Pro offers extensive and detailed site audits, providing in-depth insights into various aspects of a website’s SEO. However, it lags behind competitors like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz in terms of link analysis capabilities.
  • Backlink Tracking: Sitechecker Pro’s backlink tracking feature is not as advanced as tools like Ahrefs. It requires manual uploading of backlinks, which can be time-consuming and lacks automation for updating newly found backlinks.
  • Rank Tracking: Sitechecker Pro provides ranking data, allowing users to track keyword rankings. However, it requires creating individual projects for different locations, languages, devices, and search engines, which can be cumbersome for websites targeting multiple regions.

While Sitechecker Pro offers an all-in-one SEO solution with its extensive site audits and usability features, it falls behind competitors like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz in terms of advanced link analysis and tracking capabilities. Depending on your specific SEO needs, it’s important to consider these factors when choosing the right tool for your business. 

Reviews From Other Users

Sitechecker Pro is a popular software tool used by many businesses and individuals for SEO purposes. But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s hear what actual users have to say about their experience with Sitechecker Pro.

Compilation of feedback from users of Sitechecker Pro

  • “Everything was very user-friendly and easy to navigate. All results were accurate and allowed clients to identify opportunities with little cognitive efforts.” – Software Advice
  • “Easy Navigation and detailed instructions based on Google Search Console on how to fix errors. Everything was awesome, I have no complaints.” – Software Advice
  • “Thank you for the positive feedback! ticked all the boxes at an incredibly affordable price. We get all the tools we need to handle our SEO/SEM needs and the insights to help deliver the best experience to our users.” – Software Advice
  • “The service functionality is good. But not user-friendly design. I like the fact that the tool provides the possibility of free analysis of sites. Errors should be displayed first.” – Software Advice
  • “Easiest to use for the broken links which was my company’s problem.” – Software Advice
  • “The features are something that I like the most for this tool. Best website to track your SEO. Very good and recommendable for small business who maintain their website themselves.” – Software Advice

These reviews not only highlight the user-friendly nature and effectiveness of Sitechecker Pro but also the affordability and suitability for both small businesses and individuals. Overall, Sitechecker Pro has received positive feedback for its comprehensive SEO tools and ease of use.

Still Thinking of sitechecker?

Give A Try Now


After thoroughly reviewing SiteChecker Pro, it is clear that this comprehensive website analysis tool is a valuable asset for businesses and marketers looking to improve their website performance and SEO efforts. With its extensive features and user-friendly interface, SiteChecker Pro offers a wide range of functionality to handle various SEO tasks effectively.

The tool’s site audit feature stands out, providing in-depth insights into critical areas such as content optimization, search optimization, and mobile optimization. The troubleshooting section offers helpful suggestions to fix specific errors, making it easier for users to improve their website’s overall SEO performance.

While SiteChecker Pro lacks in backlink analysis and tracking capabilities compared to other tools in the market, it compensates with its reliable rank tracking and site monitoring features. The ability to track keyword rankings, receive email notifications about website changes, and generate detailed reports are useful for monitoring and improving SEO efforts.

Overall, SiteChecker Pro is worth considering for businesses and marketers seeking a comprehensive SEO tool. Its affordability, extensive features, and user-friendly interface make it a valuable resource for improving website performance and driving organic traffic.

Andrew Lim
Andrew Lim

Javier is a graduate of the University of Dublin. He has been in the digital marketing space for over decade and has worked with E-commerce & digital space. He is currently in charge of blog editor at and is passionate about creating software review that create value for user.

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